A Movie Review: The Beauty Inside

Saturday, March 25, 2017

NO one can deny the fact that physical appearance really matters in this world. From job applications to relationships, people always look at your physical appearance. But what if one day, you wake up with a different physical appearance? And what if your new appearance is a fat, ugly and old appearance?

This is not new to Woojin (played by 21 actors), a young successful furniture designer who always wake up in the morning completely transformed into a different person. Yes, a different person. There will be days where he would be a Japanese girl, a grandmother, and even a little kid.

It's weird, right? I also found it very weird when I first watched the trailer of the film. At the beginning of the film, he wakes up in someone's bed after a one night stand completely transformed into a fat guy. He quickly leaves the room, scared of what might happen if the girl sees her. No one actually knows about his secret except for his Mom and his best friend, Sangbaek. He never got used to it, even though this started happening when he turned 18. He only knew one thing, and that is to hide himself.

But of course you can't hide yourself forever. Everything changes for Woojin when she meets the woman of her life, Yisoo, a furniture sales woman. Everyday he would come back to the furniture shop, buying the things that she would recommend. He was so in love but he couldn't introduce himself to her because of his situation. Until one day, he wakes up transformed into a handsome man.

With just his handsomeness, he managed to ask her to a dinner at his place. But another problem arises as he realized that if he sleep that night, he might lose his handsome face once again and be transformed to an ugly person the next day. He manages to stay awake for 3 days but he fell asleep on the subway and waked up transformed into an ugly man, again.

This pushed him to tell her his situation. At first, it wasn't easy for Yisoo. But then, Yisoo also fell in love with him, so she came back to him and asked if they could sleep together. That was one of the fascinating things in the movie, the fact that Yisoo showed that a woman can be both beautiful inside and out. She stayed by Woojin's side and accepted all his flaws and of course his different appearances. Their relationship was just like any other relationships, going out on dates, sleeping together, cooking for each other, and other things that a normal couple do (including that "thing") but  of course, there are no perfect relationships.

From the "everything is perfect" moment, things escalated quickly as several conflicts arise like Yisoo wanted to introduce Woojin to her family and her friends but she couldn't because she didn't know how they would react to his situation and how she pretended to be fine although she was falling apart on the inside.

This movie was more than just "the beauty inside of us also matters too." This movie is also able to highlight several themes about love and how we usually pretend to be okay when its not. This may be not  everyone's cup of tea because of its unrealistic plot but this is a pure art that will make you think and ponder what's more behind the whole plot itself as the conflicts were complex and gives an idea about human nature and true love.

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