Stepping Out: Nature

Saturday, March 11, 2017

As a kid who get sick easily, I basically grew up inside the four walls of my small home. I have always envied those kids who can dance and play in the middle of the summer rain and those who can go wherever they want whether its the playground or a camping.  I have been craving for adventures since I was young but all that I was able to do was to stare at it on pictures or read about it on a book. Although reading itself is an adventure too as it 'takes you to other places through your imagination', these can't compare to the sound fallen leaves  being crushed under your feet and the feeling of the cold sea breeze brushing against your skin.
As years passed by, going out has became something out of my nature. I have become afraid of going out on a daily basis and even going to places that I'm not familiar with. I was satisfied at staying at home on rest days while doing my home works.I know this sounds like a Disney movie, but this is really what my life looks like.

Recently, we had to shoot in Angono for our short film.I don't really have high hopes about the place before the shoot because I was expecting a typical filming location and I was really not in the mod to go out that day. We headed to SM Angono at exactly 11:00 and arrived there by 12:30. We rode a tricycle that took us the filming location, Angono Lakeside Eco Park.

As soon as we got off the tricycle, we all ran into the shore just like how kids chase the waves in the beach. Just like the others, I was stunned by its beauty. It was like a whole new world to me. To be honest, this is actually the first time to see a lake (now I know what a lake looks like).  While waiting for the others who are currently filming, all I was able to do what to stare at it. I took some pictures but beautiful views like this are meant to be appreciated by the eyes. 

When the sun started setting, I went for a boat ride with my friends, which is something that I hesitated for a million times while I was there. I had so many worries in my mind that time but as soon as the boat started sailing across the lake, all that I can think of that time is 'I have to try it again'. All of a sudden the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, my pimples and my eye bags are gone (just kidding) and my stress is gone. If ever you're having a hard time right now because of school (thesis!), work or other people (your thesis members),  its not really a bad thing to take some time away from these things. Although my pimples and eye bags did not go away, I can guarantee that reconnecting with nature can quiet your mind and boost your creativity. It gives you the space to reflect on things and even discover something about yourself. As I reconnected with nature, I realized that the quote that I have read on twitter was so (damn) true.

"The WORLD is too big to stay in one place and LIFE is too long to do just on thing."

So step up and do not stay in one  place. You have a wonderful life to live out there. Claim it. Live it.

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